Saturday, November 8, 2008

Missed demeanours (and why faking it gets you into trouble)

How many of us, I wonder, work so hard at crafting our public face that we neglect to acknowledge and pay attention to the private one? In "Change Your Life in Seven Days" Paul McKenna talks about how you will never find true happiness until you identify your true self and start living as that person, and how most of us spend our time and energies on the public persona.

Mr McKenna is, of course, a former DJ and he goes on to talk about how that, as his public self, he earned good money, always had a model girlfriend by his side but was totally miserable. We all know of his huge shift in direction and the success he has enjoyed since then; he is now, he maintains, his true self. This I can certify as being absolutely true, as a few months ago I met one of his former Radio One colleagues, Richard Skinner, and he described how in private Mr M would discuss hypnotherapy and other associated psychological phenomena. His true self was desperate to get out and be heard.

So I got to wondering earlier what that really means; is it purely in a professional sense, or a personal one? We all go to work to earn money, but how many of us feel energised and stimulated by our work? Some of my slightly cynical peers would say it isn't possible for everyone to pursue exactly the type of work they are cut out for, but maybe it isn't an issue for some, perhaps most?

My darling cousin Adam told me a short while ago that people were either "asleep" or "awake", i.e. we either accepted our lots in life, did not question and went about our daily business, or we did not accept our status quo, we strived for change and improvement and often we would go out on a limb to achieve it. I hasten to add he informed me I was in the latter category.....

So in terms of work and careers, I guess it depends on whether we are asleep or awake. I, being awake, opted to chuck in a well-paid job in sales to pursue a creative dream that pays next to nothing but fulfills me more than any astute closing technique ever did, along with the ensuing rewards. I hung the rationale at the time on the "new baby" peg, which actually was quite justified, given the fourteen hours I spent away from home each day.

In terms of personal faces, I can very quickly see how I have allowed my public face to fool everyone into thinking I'm independent to the point of occasional disinterest, with my mantra being "why let the truth get in the way of a good gag?"

To be fair, I am independent (good job, all things considered...) but I'd rather not be. Of course, years of such behaviour make it a hard habit to break, and when you do achieve a breakthrough to the other side, it can be very unsteadying.

And I do make jokes far more than I should, but it is, as I am sure everyone has worked out by now, a big fat defence mechanism designed to distract and disguise.

Amazingly I am still able to pull off this public persona given the headaches and pressures of the last few years, but the act is now starting to wear a bit thin to say the least.

Almost without question the reason for me penning a post of this nature is because something has happened or someone has said something that has demonstrated in no uncertain terms that the real, private me is far more fragile than the public me. Today is no exception.

I'm sure there is always an explanation as to why certain days are worse than others in this regard, and I'm positive that in my case it's a combination of hormones, planetary alignment and money (or the lack thereof). Today is one of those days.

To recall the event would be pointless, but needless to say it has led my nose back to Paul McKenna's book, and caused me to take a look at my own version of Frankenstein's monster.

Many have told me over the years that my main fault is that I refuse to let anyone see my vulnerability, counsellors and psychics among them. They are completely right. The problem therein is the "foot on the hosepipe" scenario. Take said foot off and, together with the predictable tears, a post like this comes spewing out......

Is it possible to change the habit of an adult lifetime? Some would say no, but it certainly pays to understand why you don't always get the reaction or result that, deep down, your true self is hoping for.

Now I need to go hug the real me, and make a promise to myself to stop faking it in future ;-)


Anonymous said...

Everyone makes out they're much harder than they really are; it's a survival tactic.

Big hugs x x x

Anonymous said...

I think Frankensteins monster is more a than a little harsh just because you fooled people into thinking your independant!

Take a few days out and go be kind to yourself honeybun

Anonymous said...

It could be you're a bit overly emotional and tired, and have overeacted to something. Having said that your theory that you get treated as per the persona you give out is spot on.

People are rarely totally bomb-proof when it comes to offhand comments, especially from those they love.

If it was a comment my advice is to let them know they have upset you and stop it happening again. If they are worthy of your respect they will take it on board.

Also- please stop being so hard on yourself! Anyone here can see you are doing a great job. Hell, I feel like I've known you for years!

Anonymous said...

Agree with previous poster. You sound like you are beating yourself up and for what? Cos someone said something?

Pour some wine, put your feet up and put some cool muzak on, pretty girl

Anonymous said...

I expect that the event or the comment probably wouldn't affect you had it occurred in a couple of days. Like you said some days are worse than others and tomorrow you will probably feel a heap better.


Anonymous said...

Huge hugs Debsylee xxx

Anonymous said...

When I saw the title of this I went straight to it (being a bloke) but it's really touching and to be honest has suggested a few ideas as to why my other half acts the way she does sometimes.

Thanks! I'm going back to read the rest now.

PS The others are right by the way, you sound like youre doing ok

Anonymous said...

I'm going to stick my neck out here and say it was all the comments on the last post to do with "are they on, are they off" and her new pic.

For pitys sake, she doesn't even mention the guy now so that has to tell you that she doesn't want it talked about!

Think hard here- if they are still together how do you think she feels saying she has put him in the background?

No mystery as far as I'm concerned.

Anonymous said...

who said we thought it was Duz?

Anonymous said...

Trust me, this for you guys is going to be like watching the most frustrating soap opera ever. If she doesn't talk about their relationship (which she isn't) you will never know.

Here's an idea- go out and watch the sunrise tomorrow morning, It's called getting a life and to be recommended ;-)

Anonymous said...

Yet again it descends from a discussion about the topic posted into Are They Still Together....


Anonymous said...

A lot of us have been following this post for months now so of course we want to know if they are together or not!

This lot that drop in and slate us for being interested insomething she used to talk about all the time and now nothing, and then we get "read how well she write"

Listen to me- we know how well she writes, thats why we are still here so back off

Anonymous said...

From a young age we learn how to create our own act. As a self protective measure, it doesn't work that well - we still feel our hurt, even if we manage to hide behind the shell - but at least we convince those that might hurt us that we are not hurt.

It is hard to display our vulnerability, simply because as soon as we dip out from that shell there is always some 'bright spark' that thinks its clever to hit us with a whacking big club!

Anonymous said...

Only love interests hurt you like this.

Therefore they are still together, or she has moved on to a new one.

Anonymous said...

New photo and this post say it is Duz- no new man

Anonymous said...

Frankensteins monster? My arse! (to quote the Royal family)

Seriously girl! what are you up to? A honey like you stressing about something a man said?

Get your heels on, I'm taking you dancing ;-)

Anonymous said...

I think you meant the "Royle family".......

Anonymous said...

My bet is that you quite like people to critique you, you seem to have an eye for noticing peoples' idiosyncracies so you possibly expect the same in return.

The problem with that is sometimes you will get a slap in the face with a wet fish.

Take it on the chin. He (we are assuming it's a "he", aren't we?) probably didn't mean to hurt you. We men can be insensitive creatures at times and when we do, we need women to tell us.

Anonymous said...

Drink wine, go out dancing, order in Chinese- tomorrow it will be better (((((hug))))

Anonymous said...

A grown up girl who wants to be taken care of.


We all want that and sadly it never happens.

Anonymous said...

Faking it always gets a girl into trouble.
Stop it right now, and start being true to yourself x

Anonymous said...

I got to admit here that rarely does anything I read on the net have me on the verge of tears, but this blog does. I know what it is like to struggle as a single parent and money or no money, it is tough I can assure you.

I really hope you find everything you so richly deserve Debsylee, and if you ever feel like crying, just cry girl. Those who love you will stick around to dry your tears you can be sure

Anonymous said...

Nice comment Lillian, and so say all of us.

Anonymous said...

Firstly let me say that I don't know Debsylee or her true circumstances, simply what she describes on here. Nor do I know if she is in or out of her relationship.

I am in my fifties and am married to the love of my life who tragically is terminally ill. I know our time left together is limited and as such I have become very adept at expressing myself verbally so here goes:

If your son doesn't already, he will one day be proud to call you his Mum.
Your father must well with pride when he looks at his girl and the strength and courage she shows in the face of adversity.
Any man worth his salt would be honoured to have you on his arm, and anyone that shows you any disrespect or is untrue to you in any way is simply not worthy of you.

Please know one thing; men as a rule find it difficult to talk as openly as this. I can because I've found out the hard way that sometimes you need to.

God bless.

Anonymous said...

I don't think any of us can say anything after that.

God bless you and your beloved, Charles.

debsylee said...

I would echo Dan's comment and ask that we desist from leaving further comments on this posting.


Thank you for your lovely words and for taking the time to read my posting.

My love and heartfelt wishes go out to you; God bless you both.

Deborah x