Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Promise

Do you ever consider events, circumstances or aspects of life that are guaranteed to put a smile back on your face? Those things that for some occasionally inexplicable reasons put you back on track and make you grow just a couple of inches taller so that you can see over the barrier in front of you?

Perhaps I'm going through an epiphany; the whole Randy episode yesterday had me wondering last night if he was in fact an angel. But actually it goes a little deeper than that.

I made a promise to someone a couple of days ago because I had, albeit unintentionally, gravely upset them.

Promises, to me, are very fragile things. They can be very easily broken, and if they are, you can never repair them; once they are destroyed a bond of trust dies forever.

So for that reason I keep my promises very safe.

In this instance, my promise has caused me to take my focus away from one area of my life and look at the others. I had to admit that I was a little alarmed at the prospect; what if the other areas weren't that riveting? What if my promise became my jailer?

No need for concern, because my angel showed up and sprinkled his magic all around my house yesterday.

I realised that many of the conversations I'd been having over the past few weeks were so laden down with importance that it was time to forget them; it was time to turn the music up, draw the blinds and dance it out of my system. Just for now.

Goodness knows that life can be as tough as it's ever been right now, but some people, some music and some events make it so exhilarating that it's worth it.

And if this next clip of the nations' darlings, Girls Aloud, from last night's X Factor doesn't get you dancing like you just don't care, then nothing will....


Anonymous said...

Woooo! Girls Aloud ROCK!

Hope you keep your promise Debsy and I hope it's worth it x

Anonymous said...

Tell me- when you draw the blind and dance around, what aren't you wearing? lol sorry could not resist after girls aloud

On a serious note promises should only be kept if they are fair and just

Anonymous said...

I used to think Girls Aloud were just another reality TV show group but this song is sensational. I bet we are all humming it for months now.
Danni Minogus face in the clip is priceless- not that shes jealous or anything!

Anonymous said...

Nice diversion Deb- stick the X Factor on here! x

Anonymous said...

You're a clever gal. Linking this song title to your post is very nice work ;)

Anonymous said...

So nice to read a blog that isn't just another load of it, but is actually funny, observant and really well-written.

What's happening with the guy?

Anonymous said...

Hey Deborah! Long time, no speak. I'm loving your blog- where do you get the time, girl?
And who is this man? He seems to have got you hooked, good and proper (we always said someone would one day, remember?!)

Anonymous said...

Keeping promises is over-rated in my experience, usually because others rarely have the same standards.
Good luck in any event.

Anonymous said...

Girls Aloud should not be allowed. Over paid cabaret singers with bad hair.